Simply the right way to achieve your goals

Evolutive Business Mind

More than 25 years of training and coaching time to managers, entrepreneurs and professionals, with the aim of guiding them to express their value, seize opportunities and quickly reach their goals successfully.

We know that you are thinking about how we do it, for sure we want you to hear how: with the “SMART BUSINESS COACHING” tools, our innovative coaching program that we apply successfully in the companies and managers love for the speed of improvement got. This is what you can obtain with the SBC:


Develop and strengthen inter-functionality between people by activating processes of access and sharing of knowledge, experience and skills to benefit from renewed capabilities and increase the value of individual and collective human capital.


Transform a group of managers into a very top team, this to accelerate the integration and coherence of behavioural models and share the examples of cohesion, sense of individual responsibility, and shared responsibility in the underlying layers.


Increase individual cross skills, activate a personal process of continuous improvement and adopt tools and techniques (soft skill) to address the critical issues of role in different situational contexts ad to remove barriers to understanding and better integrating the gender communication differences.

Our mission is to improve managers performance quickly!

Business Coaching, Professional Coaching, Career Coaching


Sessions with the Coach, designed to lead the manager to achieve optimum professional and personal results in relation to stated goals.

Team Coaching Business


Team Coaching has a dual function: support the team to achieve goals quickly and simultaneously highlight group dynamics to improve the performance of both individuals and the team.

Work Out Coaching


Workout fosters the company's cognitive process in self-understanding itself through experiential patrimony and the value content of people working in different areas of the same organisational model.

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The voice is one of the most powerful and persuasive tools available to your leadership. With the voice you can excite, motivate, persuade and convince people. Have you ever wondered how important it is for a manager's success?

About us…

Maurizio Caimi

Business & Life Coach, Neuro-linguistic Programming trainer, Autor.

Combines great experience in communication with deep knowledge in the field of Neuroscience and Neuro-Linguistic Programming ™ is one of the Italian Coaches that obtained the NLP certification directly from Dr. Richard Bandler co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Before open his studio, in 1996, he worked for Philips BG in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria and Italy. As a professional, as well as in most of the Italian territory, he works in different parts of the world, Dubai, Hong Kong, London.

Senior Consultant in the field of Business Strategies, Marketing and Strategic Communication, for product and business innovation and for the affirmation of a culture of leadership based on Charisma and Emotional Intelligence.

During his coach career he has worked with large and small multinational and Italian companies, also dedicating part of his activity to dissemination and training. The professional experience, developed in more than 20 years of activity, has allowed him to know concretely different business realities and different commercial areas.

He's a speaker at conferences on the topics of persuasive communication and unconventional marketing, writes web articles, holds university lectures at master's courses. Senior lecturer in management training on Leadership, Innovative Marketing, Persuasion and Neuroscience, Business Communication and teaches Development of Creativity and Lateral Thinking.

He introduced Marketing Coaching and Vocal Coaching for managerial leadership in Italy and created the "Smart Business Mind" plus the "Persuasion Engineering Model" tools for companies.

Carla Ciani

Executive & Performance Coach, Consultant, Professional Trainer.

Carla's professional experience in coaching has been developed over 25 years of activity concretely spent in the various business and managerial realities. Through her humanistic and maieutic skills, she supports clients in the professional and business challenges guiding them to achieve their goals.

Executive Coach, her main areas of activity are framed in the management of corporate change processes, restructuring and reorganisation, M&A, crisis management, generational steps, that is, in the contexts that most require the reinforcement and development of renewed behavioral models. She supports the senior management of leading Italian and multinational companies in the industrial, banking and financial sectors. She accompanies manager in the development of situational leadership, decision-making dynamics and motivational reinforcement of their first managerial lines.

In the communication field she's Performance Coach with her specific projects to prepare managers, entrepreneurs and professionals to build the most effective communication models. She activates the development of Emotional Intelligence, enhancing and harmonising human and managerial contents and expressive abilities. From her clients she as ben recognised as a superlative coach non only for her capacity and skills but also for the way she use to work tailored to each specific needs of the people.

She's teacher of Behavioral Economics at leading Training Institutions and Category Associations where he intervenes with specific projects on the themes of corporate behavioral innovation.

Always committed to the development of female leadership, she accompanies women to the affirmation of a managerial approach that expresses the intrinsic female values and their strategic advantage for the company, going beyond gender diversity, into the various media and with specific projects*.


The list of our corporate clients can be issued, for information, after your contact and following a specific request.

* Projects and participations dedicated to women with Camere di Commercio, Confindustria, Ordini Professionali: ESSERE DONNA E LEADER, DONNE NEI CdA, PINK ROUTE, DONNE E PROFESSIONI, WEB WORKING WOMAN, INDUSTRIOSA, DONNA E BUSINESS, DUE VIE PER L’IMPRESA IN ROSA, SIMPOSIO DONNA, NESSUNA è PERFETTA RADIO24 Il Sole 24 Ore.

Some Institutional references: EURAC Bolzano, ASSOCIAZIONE DEGLI INDUSTRIALI – Piacenza, ASSOCIAZIONE ARTIGIANI Vicenza, ASCOM Vicenza - Bassano d. G., PERFORMA Ravenna e Rimini, ASSOCIAZIONE DEGLI INDUSTRIALI Pesaro e Urbino, ASSOCIAZIONE DEGLI INDUSTRIALI Rimini, ASSOCIAZIONE COMMERCIANTI Arezzo, CENTRO PRODUTTIVITA' VENETO FOND. G. RUMOR Vicenza, UNIONE INDUSTRIALI FOREMA Padova, COFIMP Bologna e Ferrara, CUOA Impresa Vicenza, UNIONE INDUSTRIALI Torino, UNIONE INDUSTRIALI Cuneo, CENTRO STUDI UNIVERSITARI Univ. PD sede Vicenza, CENTRO FORM. IST. PIETRO PIRELLI Milano, FORMED Roma, Distretto Scolastico Novara, C.C.I.A.A. Piacenza, ECIPAR Piacenza, ADICO Milano, Confindustria Foggia, AIDDA Milano, FORPIN Piacenza, Ass. Industriali Trento, ISCOMER Piacenza, FORMART Rimini, WIFI Bolzano, CCIAA PISA, TIS Bolzano, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca…

Media: Pomeriggio Cinque Mediaset, Radio24, Affari e Finanza, Corriere della Sera, Corriere Economia, Sole 24 Ore, ASA, Agricolturaonweb, Inmilano, Italiavostra, Veronafiere, La Cronaca di Piacenza, Libertà, Kataweb, La Stampa, La Repubblica, thismarketerslife, Il Messaggero, SkyTG24.


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Caimi Studio Srl - Via Monte Napoleone 8 20121 Milano (MI) - Via Sant'eufemia 21 29121 Piacenza (PC)
0523 174.94.95 - p.IVA 10326190963 ©2023